Simone has been a valuable asset to the BRS team since she joined. With her strong communication skills, she has quickly established herself as a great communicator and someone who can handle even the most difficult situations with poise and calmness. This is something she takes great pride in, and it has made her an indispensable member of the team.

Her positive attitude is infectious, and she has a way of making everyone around her feel more at ease. This makes her an ideal fit for the BRS team, where the ability to handle a crisis with a level head and maintain a positive outlook is of utmost importance. Simone has a passion for rental management and has taken great care in getting to know the clients she works with. This has helped her to gain a deeper understanding of the scope of her role and how she can contribute to the success of the company.

“A chance meeting with Lisa and Nick and the opportunity to develop a new career with my previous client service background was a fantastic opportunity I could not pass. I’m very excited to be able support the team and our clients progress their vision.”

Contact Simone today